triad is made up of C, E and G. C is the root, E is the major third and E is the perfect fifth. This chord is made up of the B, D and A strings.
triad is made up of G, B and D. G is the root, B is the major third and D is the perfect fifth. This chord is composed of the E, A and E strings. Note: The two E strings are different, as one is the very top string and the other being very bottom.
triad is made up of D, F# and A. D is the root, F# is the major third and A is the perfect fifth. This chord is composed of the E, B and G strings.
triad is made up of A, C# and E. A is the root, C# is the major third and E is the perfect fifth. This chord is composed of the B, G and D strings.
triad is made up of A, C and E. A being the root, C being the minor third and E being the perfect fifth. The A Minor chord consists of the D and A strings, which is composed entirely in the second fret.
triad is made up of D, F and A. D being the root, F being the minor third and A being the perfect fifth. This chord is composed of the E, B and G strings.
triad is made up of E, G and B. E being the root, G being the minor third and B being the perfect fifth. This chord consists of the D and A strings, which is composed entirely in the second fret.
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